Monday, February 22, 2016

Game Dev MOOC PART I: All about Coursera and How to Get in on the Act

Hi crew,

Courtesy of Jacob Schurgin, I just got information on a 5-part specialization series on game design and game development through Coursera.

Here is the link for the 5-part course series.  Jacob is going to volunteer to write a brief little blurb on what the course series has done for him.  He's been very excited to share this with me, and I in turn want to make sure that I pass this on to all y'all.

While this is not free ($355 for the entire series or $79 / individual course), I will vouch for saying this looks pretty cool, and is a great way to expand your repertoire for going beyond our current offerings at DHS.

Stay tuned for more info, but in the meantime, here's the link to the series.

- Svetty

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Google Summer Institute for Graduating Seniors

Google's Computer Science Summer Institute
For those of you who have graduating seniors (particularly those from underrepresented groups) who plan on majoring in CS...
Applications for Google's Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) and the Generation Google Scholarship have opened for graduating high school seniors. CSSI is a three-week introduction to computer science for graduating high school seniors with an interest in technology - especially students from historically underrepresented groups in the field. The Generation Google Scholarship awards a 10,000 USD or 5,000 CAD scholarship for the upcoming academic year, and scholarship recipients are also required to CSSI in the summer of 2016.

We need your help to spread the word about these opportunities to students who would benefit most from involvement. Would you mind passing along the program websites to your students?

If you have any questions, please feel free to email or

Monday, February 8, 2016

CLC Stem Series - U of I Guaranteed Engineering Admissions Program

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The CLC Engineering Transfer Department will be holding several information sessions for prospective students and their parents interested in attending CLC for the first two years of a B.S. in Engineering degree. Each session will last approximately 30 minutes, and will be followed by Q&A.  The presentations will include information about the Engineering Transfer curriculum, the UIUC Engineering Pathways program (guaranteed admission to UIUC Engineering), the NSF Scholarship program, Engineering Club, and more.  The dates and times are listed below:

Tuesday February 23rd, 7PM in C003 on the Grayslake Campus
Thursday March 3rd, 7PM in S205 at the Waukegan Campus (south building – 33 N. Genesee)
Wednesday March 9th, 7PM in V336/338/340 on the Southlake Campus (Vernon Hills)

The deadline for application to the UIUC Engineering program is March 15th, 2016. The application is online:
The deadline for preferred consideration for the NSF Scholars program is April 15th, 2016.  The application is online:

For more information, contact Engineering Transfer Department Chair Rob Twardock at   or Engineering Faculty Jan Edwards at

Please share with friends, interested students, and their parents.

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