Monday, November 30, 2015

CS Ed Week Tool for 3D Modeling

hi all,

With plenty of excitement surrounding CS Ed Week (fast approaching next week), here's an activity that will be available for you to check out.

- Svetty
In one hour, have your students learn about computer science by building an exciting 3D game which they can share on mobile phones during CSEdWeek this year. They will not only learn about programming, but also learn to design their own 3D models. The students create 3D characters, entire worlds, and rule these worlds through programming. We have added international versions including localized versions of instructional videos, and programming language tool tips:
* English: (by University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
* German, French, Italian: (by School of Education FHNW, Switzerland) 
* Spanish: (by Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico)
What is so unique about this tutorial? This tutorial is not a sequence of programming puzzles but is based on the principles of the project-first pedagogy.
Students are provided a complete programing environment in which they build a working game. The ownership resulting from creating their own 3D worlds and characters has been found to motivate students' interest in programming. In one hour students can create the first working part of a 3D game including 3D modeling and programing. Our data show that students are so motivated to build their game that the majority continue to work on their games beyond one hour. 

The tutorial is based on 3D AgentCubes online, a cloud-based computational thinking tool. Games and simulations built as part of this activity can be extended later, and can be played on smartphones.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Google Code-in Coming Up Soon

Hi all,

Here's another opportunity in light of CS Education Week fast approaching:  it's called "Google Code-in".  Anyone of any ability level can participate.

Let me know what you think!

Mr. Svetlik

In the Wake of CS Ed Week About to Launch

This article is from one of the co-founders of on the need for diversifying technology education.

A great read to reinforce how important it is to have ALL students experience computer science.

- Svetty

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Related to Chatbot and the Turing Test

Relevant to our most recent work with ChatBot.. looks like the Turing Test was finally cracked.

Mr. Svetlik

Fifty for the Future Contest

Do you have a High School Senior who has shown a passion for technology, utilizing technology in innovative and creative ways.   Who has aspirations to include technology in their field of study at the college level and beyond into a career.   Then they have what it takes to be honored by the Illinois Technology Foundation’s Fifty for the Future award program.   Each year we honor 50 College Students and 10 High School Seniors who have proven determination and foresight through their education and deeds in the application and development of technology.  The students can self nominate themselves or a teacher can make a faculty nomination.   Here is the link for more details and nominations:

Fifty For The Future -

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

All about Randomness

A whole web site dedicated to randomness!  Credit to Mr. Tiveron for tracking this down:

- Svetty

Monday, November 9, 2015

CLC Engineering Transfer Program - Check this out!


Thursday November 19th, 7PM 
Room T326, CLC Grayslake campus

The CLC Engineering Transfer Department will be holding information sessions for prospective students and their parents. Each session will last approximately 45 minutes, and will be followed by Q&A.  The presentations will include information about the Engineering Transfer curriculum, the UIUC Engineering Pathways program, the NSF Scholarship program, Engineering Club, and more.  The dates and times for all the sessions are listed below:

Thursday November 19th, 7PM in T326
Thursday January 21st, 7PM in C005
Tuesday February 23rd, 7PM in C003

The deadline for application to the UIUC Engineering program is March 15th, 2016. The application is online:
The deadline for preferred consideration for the NSF Scholars program is April 15th, 2016.  The application is online:

For more information, contact Engineering Transfer Department Chair Rob Twardock at 


Congressional App Challenge

The second annual Congressional App Challenge opens for submissions today, November 9 at 12:00 PM EDT. The Challenge is open to all students, grades 9-12, who attend high school in participating Congressional districts. Winners get to meet their Member of Congress, and have their app displayed at the Capitol Building! 

Twitter: # CAC15 

Facebook: @The 2015 Congressional App Challenge

Friday, November 6, 2015

Robots Writing News Articles? Really? (Really.)

The number of news articles you read through contemporary sources that are robot-written might just surprise you.

- Svetty

A look at Race and Gender in Last Year's AP Computer Science A Test Takers

Although the population of students taking the Advanced Placement (AP) computer science exam grew by about 24 percent from 2014, it has continued to be predominantly white and male, according to the College Board. Female test-takers experienced a slight increase over the year, but at just 22 percent of the test-taking population, underrepresentation remains prevalent. The Georgia Institute of Technology's Barbara Ericson analyzed the data and found 10 U.S. states had fewer than 10 girls take the AP exam, while year-over-year growth of the overall female pass rate was 3 percent for a total of 61 percent. Non-white or Asian test-takers inched up by only half a percentage point to 13 percent. Ericson estimates fewer than 10 African-American students took the exam in 23 states. Moreover, no black students took the exam in Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming, which is still fewer states than last year. The overall pass rate for African-American students climbed from 33 percent to 38 percent year-over-year, but there were significant variances between states. The College Board seeks to make computer science more accessible to all students via its AP Computer Science Principles course, which it will launch next year.

- Svetty

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Two good articles on technology being used for the common social good

The title here speaks for itself:

- Svetty

Bebras Challenge

Here's another challenge that has been shared with students around the country to take on as based on their time/interest/availability.

Remember the following URLs:
challenge site for students:

Over 12.000 students have already been signed up. We hope you welcome your

students as well.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"Hacking" Competition Now Open to All Interested

Perhaps you are already aware, but the EasyCTF (Capture the Flag) hacking competition is started yesterday and runs through 11/10.  Here is a link:

As described by them "EasyCTF is a online hacking/cybersecurity contest targeted at middle and high school students. Like many similar CTF competitions, participants will have to crack, decompile, decrypt, etc. through many defenses in order to find a secret message, known as the "flag". The challenges presented are designed with the intent of being hacked, making it an excellent and legal way for students to get some great hands-on experience."

This is a great opportunity for you to add some real-time excitement to your CS class, no matter what level of proficiency your students are at.  I know that my students get real kick out of the competition, and that yours probably will as well.

Come join the fun!