Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Quiz Prep and GregorianCalendar Hints

Hi all.  Sent this out as an e-mail.  Here for your convenience, as well:

As promised in class, here is both some news about the upcoming quiz AND some hints on the next assignment (which is GregorianCalendar, Page 77, P2.7):

o   Syntax errors, and specifically what thing detects a syntax error
o   Any time you want to RUN a program, the program needs to have a certain type of method… we give this method a specific generalized name
o   Understanding the multiple forms of writing comments into your code
§  Single-line comments (//)
§  Multi-line comments (/* followed by lines of comments followed by */)
o   Understanding how to declare and initialize a variable (hint: there are two ways, as follows):
§  Declaring the variable in one line of code, then initializing the variable in a separate line
§  Declaring AND initializing the variable in a single line of code
o   Understanding what a .java file is and does, and specifically what purpose it has in developing Java programs
o   Understanding what a .class file is and does, and specifically what purpose it has in developing Java programs
o   Understanding how to create (or “instantiate”) a new Random gen object. 

·         Hints and suggestions:
o   You will be using a combination of the code shown in the textbook AND the online API for GregorianCalendar (Google “Java 8 API GregorianCalendar”).  I’d suggest starting with the source code in the book FIRST and then moving on to the API as you need to
o   To do this assignment, you are going to want to import both the Calendar class and the GregorianCalendar class, as follows:
§  import java.util.Calendar;
§  import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
o   The assignment requires you to generate THREE DISTINCT THINGS using the GregorianCalendar class
§  Both the DATE and the WEEKDAY that is 100 days from today
§  The WEEKDAY of your birthday
§  The DATE that is 10000 days from your birthday
o   To accomplish the first thing, you are going to want to make one GregorianCalendar object using its constructor that has NO parameters.  That will automatically store information related to today’s date
§  Once there, you will need to tell the GregorianCalendar you create to .get() the modifiedMonth after adding 100 days to the current day of the month and store it an int variable
§  Then, you’ll want to tell the GregorianCalendar you create to .get() the modifiedDay after adding 100 days to the current day of the month and store it in a separate int variable
§  Finally, you’ll want to tell it to .get() the modifiedYear after adding 100 days to the current day of the month and store it in a separate int variable
§  (Hint #1: Pay close attention to the sample code in the textbook for how to actually go about doing this.)
§  (Hint #2: One tricky thing about getting the current month….. the int that you get when you instruct the GregorianCalendar to get the month will actually be one less than how we normally refer to it.  In other words, January is represented as month 0, February as month 1, and so on… You can easily fix this by just adding 1 to whatever the calendar gives you when you call the .get() method for this.)
§  Once there, you’ll want to print out each of these ints in some sort of “pretty” manner.  See the attached .java file for how I printed out information about the current day.
o   To accomplish the second and third thing, you are going to want to make a SECOND GregorianCalendar object (give it a separate name than the first one) using its constructor that has the parameters corresponding to your birthday.
§  Again, look at the example code in the book for some guidance on how to create this new GregorianCalendar
§  Once it’s created, you’ll want to make three new int variables, each representing the month, day, and year you were born (remember what I said about adding one to the month number up above!)
§  Print out the day of week on which you were born (maybe check with a family member to see if this is accurate!)
§  Then, to do the third thing, you’ll want to add 10000 days to the day of month of the calendar to set it up for 10000 days past the day you were born.
§  After that, repeat the steps of collecting the new value of the month, the day, and the year, and then display that information
o   See the e-mail I sent out for images of how the output should look.  Doesn't have to be formatted exactly as I have it, but it should contain the same info.

Hope this helps!  Let me know if you have any questions.

Mr. Svetlik

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