Saturday, October 24, 2015

Mini Maker Faire Coming Up in Skokie Barnes and Noble - Nov 6th

Check this out for Friday, November 6th, if you want to participate in an upcoming Maker Faire!

- Svetty

Algorithm vs. Heuristic.. what?

These two terms get referenced a lot in CS.  (We tend to use the term "algorithm" more often in APCSA, but in truth, both get used a lot.)

Makes sense that you know before you start getting confused about the difference between the terms that you receive a brief explanation between the two.

- Svetty

The perfect password?

The best password?  Check this out...

- Svetty

1500 mile self-driving car trip around Mexico..

Check this out.  

- Svetty

Researchers Prove Connected Cars can be Tracked

Verifying a common assertion I've often made in class (namely, ANYTHING that is connected to the internet is subject to privacy violations), researchers have proven as much with connected cars:

- Svetty

Digital Image Forensics - An Awesome Application

Setting the story straight on an oft-debated picture of Lee Harvey Oswald.

- Svetty

Friday, October 9, 2015

Verizon App Challenge

Hi all,

Here's a chance for you to participate in a great contest... very simply:  just come up with an awesome idea for an app that would be of service to the community.

Check it out, and let me know if you have any questions.

- Svetty

Monday, October 5, 2015

So Facebook knows you better than your therapist?

Worth a look if you haven't seen any of the articles out alleging as much about a connection between your Facebook posts and your psychological profile..

- Mr. Svetlik