Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Top Careers List... computing remains very high on the list

From CNN Money: [ http://money.cnn.com/gallery/pf/2015/01/27/best-jobs-2015/index.html ], the latest in the top career rankings.  As has been the case over the past several years, CS remains at or near the top.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Humans Need Not Apply

Thanks to Dave Hayes of Lane Tech High School for passing this video along to me.  Just as the train and then later the automobile had tremendous impacts on the respective economies of their times, so too does the promise of robotics has in revolutionizing our current and near-future economy.

A fascinating video worthy of fifteen minutes.

- Svetty

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Congrats to Joey Bloom

One of our own - Joseph Bloom - just completed the Master the Mainframe competition and finished second overall in the competition.  A truly outstanding feat.


Mr. Svetlik