Sunday, November 17, 2013

Google Code-in

Beginning Monday, November 18th, 13-17 year old pre-university students from around the world can register and start competing in Google Code-in 2013. The Google Code-­in is an online contest designed to introduce pre-university students to the world of open source software development. Participants complete “tasks” of their choice from 10 open source software projects (Apertium, BRL­CAD, Copyleft Games Group, Drupal, Haiku, KDE, RTEMS, Sahana Software Foundation, Sugar Labs, and Wikimedia Foundation).

Since open source development is much more than just computer programming, there are lots of different kinds of tasks to choose from, in categories such as coding (in multiple programming languages), documentation, user interface, quality assurance, research and outreach. Students can earn t­-shirts and certificates for their work and 20 dedicated students, 2 chosen by each of the 10 software projects, will win a trip to Google in Mountain View, CA, USA next spring.

During the past 3 years of the contest, over 1200 students from 71 countries completed tasks in the contest. This year we hope to have even more students participate globally. Please help us spread the word and bring more students into the open source family!

Visit google-­ to read our Frequently Asked Questions for all the details on how to participate, important dates and the Contest Rules. Students can start working on tasks for the contest November 18th.  For more information please contact Google Code-in Program Manager, Stephanie Taylor at

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cool Startup Program in NYC

Hi all,

Follow link below for interesting story on what one school system is doing to build interest in high school students looking to create their own startup.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Programming Salaries by language learned... interesting.  Java shows up pretty high on the list.  nuff said.

Programming Competition

Check out this competition.  Let me know if you sign up.


Code Day Chicago (Hackathon!)

Hi all,

I received this e-mail last night about a Hackathon that a senior at Plainfield North is launching in early November (Veteran's Day Weekend).  Check this out and consider being a part of it!

Mr. Svetlik

From: Anay Katyal []
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2013 6:19 PM
To: Svetlik, Steven
Subject: CodeDay Chicago

Hi Mr. Svetlik,

My name is Anay Katyal. I'm a high school senior at nearby Plainfield North High School, and I'm also a member of a non-profit working hard to get high school and college students interested in technology and self-learning!

We run a hackathon called CodeDay: a 24-hour event where students have the opportunity to meet local tech companies, meet friends, and program apps. Oriented both toward students who do not already know anything about writing apps or games and well-versed programmers, it has proven a successful model for teaching students that they have the ability to make cool things here and now. You would be surprised by the quality of the results!

We just announced that we're running CodeDay Chicago this November 9th (Veterans Day weekend). I would be very excited if you could help by spreading the word, sharing our event, or letting me know others who might be interested in helping us out! It's a great opportunity for students.

You can point anyone interested to our site:

Much appreciated,

Anay Katyal

Friday, October 4, 2013

Focus 100

Hi all,

Here is another great article, outlining some well-needed changes in the landscape of who are our programmers of the 21st century.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

IBM Master the Mainframe

Dear educator,

You are receiving this email because one or more of your students registered for last year's IBM Master the Mainframe Contest.  Thank you for encouraging your students to participate!  In case you weren't already aware, here's a brief announcement for this year's contest, which begins at noon Eastern on Monday, October 7:
Registration for the 2013 IBM Master the Mainframe Contest is now open!  This year, the IBM Academic Initiative System z team is giving away over $53,000 in prizes, including Google Nexus 10 tablets, expenses-paid trips, custom T-shirts, and a ton of swag! Plus, tons of great technical challenges to give your students hands-on experience and sought-after skills.  Students who complete the first two parts of the contest will gain hands-on experience with four different operating systems!

Visit our 2013 Master the Mainframe Contest homepage for details.  Students can access the simple registration form from that page.  

We also put a link to a printable PDF flyer on the homepage to help promote the contest to your students - the perfect accessory for any bulletin board!

The contest, which begins on October 7, is an educational tool that progresses in difficulty and prize value as contestants complete a variety of tasks, logging into a remote mainframe system from their own workstations.  Many professors offer the contest as extra credit or a mandatory assignment -- if you are interested in receiving reports on your students' progress to help with your grading, you can request them from me (Mike Todd - at any time.  The contest runs through December 28.

This year, the custom Master the Mainframe Contest T-shirt (the prize for being among the first 2,600 contestants to complete Part 1) will feature "tour dates" on the back, which will match the hometowns of the 50 schools that have the most registrants as of October 7.  

You can connect with other students and educators, and keep up with the latest contest announcements, on our Facebook page:

Students will also be encouraged to use their mainframe skills to help them apply for the jobs on our System z Job Board at

Our team hopes to see your students Mastering the Mainframe this fall.  Best wishes for a successful semester!

Best regards,


Michael C. Todd
IBM Academic Initiative System z

Phone: 1-845-435-9189

Monday, May 6, 2013

What Is Needed In Schools

Hi all,

This one comes from Danny Verb.  Emphasis being made to the public that CS is not just a discipline, but it is also a way of thinking.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Let the Numbers Do the Talking

Hi all,

I came across a link to a web site that has plenty of data on the current job market in computing.

If all the links that I've sent and shown this year haven't made a case, perhaps the numbers themselves might do so.

Have a look.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hi everybody,

Here's another absolutely awesome video.  At least three different students sent me this.


Mr. Svetlik

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hi all,

I've received a lot of good and interesting links over the past few days.  Here are a few:

1.)  This one came to me from a student and contains specific reference of a former APCS student of mine and his quest to bring CS to schools nationwide:

2.)  On a related note, check out this link and watch starting at minute #27.  Our own President has a few things to say about bringing CS to high schools:

3.)  And, of course, no good set of links on CS would be complete without a TED talk.

Keep 'em coming my way.


Monday, January 7, 2013